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Zoom Meeting Recording
on Tue, Oct 15th, 2024, 4pm BST British Summer Time
The meeting video was recorded on Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024, at 4 pm. British Standard Time and midday purpose was to read and discuss the Basic Report Summary to find solutions related to the latest floods that occurred in the State of Rio Grande do Sul early this year.
Meeting participants:
Liszka Koczorowska, UK, hostess
Mr Yoram Levy, calling from Haifa, Israel,
Dra. Sirleiva de Oliveira, from Paulinia, SP, absent for 'force majeure', and
Mr Andre Gutgold, calling from Rio de Janeiro, RJ, representing Van Oord Group in Brazil
This meeting lasted for 1 hour and the recording is otherwise 40 minutes long. We apologise for the glitches.
We expect Van Oord's entire Group aboard and Mr. Arthur Farrat to be present in our next meeting, which will be any Tuesday. We will be waiting for confirmation to set up a new meeting.
Basic Report Summary
Zoom Meeting Recording
on Tue, Sep 24th, 2024, 4pm BST British Summer Time
The meeting video was recorded on Tuesday, Sep 24th, 2024, at 4pm British Standard Time, and midday in Brasil, for the purpose to discuss reasons and solutions related to the latest floods that occurred in the State of Rio Grande do Sul early this year.
Meeting participants:
Liszka Koczorowska, UK, hostess
Dra. Sirleiva de Oliveira, calling from Paulinia, SP - herein representing her client, Mr Yoram Levy, absent for 'force majeure', and
Mr Andre Gutgold, calling from Rio de Janeiro, RJ, representing Van Oord Group in Brazil
This meeting lasted 30 minutes, and it experienced 2 internet failures, which caused it to be cut twice. However, we couldn't get rid of the glitches, and for that, we apologise.
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